Ikea Mortar And Pestle. Adelsten pestal and mortar netty786 the best on the market by far. This sturdy set should more than satisfy most home cooks in need of a mortar and pestle.

5 excellent ajneelam good value for money good quality looks good and sturdy pestle and mortar 5. Two whisks for three bucks but the price isn t the point here so much as the inclusion of the hard to find sauce whisk a flat bottomed whisk that makes short work of lump free gravies and puddings. Both sides can be used to crush spices in as the mortar is reversible.
About us ikea turkey.
Other mortars and pestles that i have recently bought are expertly wrapped in paper sealed and further isolated from the mortar by a solid piece of cardboard as well as some around the pestle. I can t rate this product enough it has two sides and it is the perfect size. Customer relations return policy. That large pestle size is also what makes this tool so good at smashing more tender ingredients like garlic pine nuts and basil leaves.